Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Most Expensive Pizza in the Land

We are definitely the most expensive pizza in the city, if not the highest price, then among the top 2. We might even be the most expensive pizza the country, although I thought I heard about a place that was putting gold flakes on their zzas and charging upwards of $100 for a small, 10” pie. Come to think about it, maybe that was one of those hoity toity places in New York.

Some think that our prices are so high just because we’ve won a few awards for our pizzas. (ok, like 5 “Best Pizza of the year 2005-2009”) While we don’t use inedible toppings like gold flakes or diamond studded earrings (now please don’t send me emails debating whether gold flakes are edible) we do use something almost as expensive; 100% Canadian dairy cheese.

Exactly why is Canadian dairy cheese so darn expensive? That’s a great question and I wish I could give you a simple answer but the facts are not stacked in my favour. Whatsmore, there is a 30% pricing difference between 100% Canadian dairy cheese that we use on our fresh pizzas versus 100% Canadian dairy cheese that we use on our frozen pizzas. WHAT?? You ask, that can’t be true – I made that up, you say~!?? Oh I wish it were so, but alas, no ‘tis true. Same cheese, different uses have different prices. That’s why our frozen gourmet pizzas are much, much less expensive than our fresh pizzas. That’s why all the frozen pizzas in grocery stores are so cheap. Nice of the big boys to compare their frozen pizzas to fresh pizzas from authentic pizzerias (like ours) every commercial break for every major game and popular TV show and not mention the built in price advantage, eh? (no, I’m not bitter). (ok, maybe just a little)

So then, how come there are so many pizza places selling fresh pizzas for $5-$10 for the last decade? AHA!! Well if you must know, they aren’t using 100% Canadian dairy cheese on those pies – they are using a substitute, an imitation, a mixture, a derivative of something else created to look like and kinda taste like real 100% Canadian dairy cheese, but cost a whole lot less.

Whether or not you can tell the difference isn’t the issue for today. Whether or not you care is. We are among the last of the holdouts for insisting on using 100% Canadian dairy cheese on our award winning, fresh pizzas. Canadian cheese prices are among the highest in the world – twice that of our friends in the USA. Is it any wonder that consumption of dairy products in Canada is at an all time low? We could use the same ‘cheeselike’ substances that our so-called competitors use and drop our prices, but we believe that our customers would drop us just as quickly. Still though, why can’t we use the same, 100% Canadian dairy cheese on our fresh pizzas that we use on our frozen pizzas? I mean, would the dairy police come and take us away in a milk truck? Would we be thrown in jail for using the more affordable 100% Canadian dairy cheese on our fresh pizzas and passing the savings on to our customers? It might sound silly, but no sillier than a 30% price difference for cheese because of the rules of engagement! It’s like having two separate prices for ball point pens; one higher if you use it on a notepads kept next to the phone, and one price lower if you promise to only use it on lined, legal size yellow paper.

Now I'm not an economist, nor a lobbyist, rather just a simple pizza chef with 20+ years of experience who knows quality ingredients and can say with a certain amount of confidence that giving all pizza makers access to the same low prices that only frozen pizza manufacturers currently have can only increase dairy consumption in Canada. Maybe this article from The Globe and Mail can explain our dairy system better than this pizza chef can.


Mike Lucas said...

Hi Diana,

When you say 100% real Canadian Dairy cheese, you probably mean cheese that doesn't have "modified milk ingredients" as part of the ingredients right?

That would mean your cheese is better quality than what 95% of people buy!! (I'm guessing there but it's probably fairly accurate.)

I only recently found some reasonably-priced cheese that doesn't contain modified milk ingredients ... you have to look in the deli section, and most of it is crazy expensive, but Superstore has some PC-brand cheese that is only about 30% more. (And some of those PC-brand cheeses are actually made using unpasteurized milk, and aged appropriately, which is awesome, much healthier than pasteurized.)

Weird how it goes in a separate section ... they really should have a big sign "imitation cheese" for the big cheese section that's next to the butter & yogurt.

Anyway, thanks for using real cheese. There's so much crap these days posing as food, which "doesn't deserve the dignity of being called food". (Michael Pollan)

GPS to GO!! said...

I love it -this must be the info I read in Success Magazine from Dan Kennedy - love it!! Go for it -!! Russ Salo